28 is a perfect number

That was just about my first thought this morning (but since I wasn’t quite sure I remembered the perfect numbers, I had to verify it — yup: 1+2+4+7+14 = 28). It’s unlikely that we’ll make it to the next perfect anniversary (496), so I decided to make the most of today.

So we spent it doing the usual sorts of Sunday things. Diane had a Women of Reform Judaism meeting party in the morning, and I went to the Y while she was there; then she went to the Y, and I called car dealers (blue BC Priuses are in very short supply — if we wanted silver or white, we could have one within a week, but we’d rather wait a bit longer for blue); then we all went for a walk to Starbucks/Jamba Juice, and finally we had Indian take-out for dinner. It was a very nice day.