Let it snow!

The IBM Learning Center is a weird place. It’s built in campus style, with all of the buildings widely separated — not the way I would have designed a training center in snow country. The rooms are rather spartan, but serviceable. And the Fitness Center is absolutely wonderful…except that it’s a long cold walk away from the dorms…err, hotel buildings…and it has rather limited hours (6am-9pm, with gaps during meeting times).

My meeting didn’t end last night until 8:30, so I couldn’t go to the Fitness Center then. And the weather forecast for today was snow, so I didn’t even bother setting my alarm early enough to go this morning. But the snow was very light and had ended by the time I went for breakfast at 7am; oh, well.

And I really need to get to the Fitness Center, because one thing that the Learning Center does well is feed people. This meeting includes three buffet meals a day, as well as continuously-available snacks and drinks — and it’s all tasty. But today isn’t likely to be a Fitness Center day either, because I’ll be in my meeting till 11pm. I see lots of caffeine in my future….

2 thoughts on “Let it snow!

  1. Does the learning centre still have aeron chairs everywhere? That was what I found most amusing when I had the chance to visit…

  2. @1: Yep — Aeron chairs everywhere in the public areas, though I don’t remember what kind of chair was in my sleeping room.

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