We get more than our feet wet, finally!

This morning, we continued sailing to East Wallibi Island for an afternoon on the beach; Meg Urry gave a talk on “Broadening Participation in Science” while we were sailing.

The Zodiac ride to the island was short and smooth (a pleasant change).

We landed and joined the group taking a short walk to explore a bit of the island. We saw a couple of white-bellied sea eagles taking turns guarding their nest.

We had a close encounter with a dragon (see above) and saw a wallaby skull.

After the walk, we finally went snorkeling, but by the time we got into the water, the conditions were less than optimal, and we couldn’t see anything without swimming farther than we were willing.

We took the Zodiac back to the ship for our group reception and sunset; there were clouds in front of the sun, so there was no green flash, but it was a nice sunset nonetheless.