Last night, we went to the parents’ orientation for the middle school Jeffrey will be attending next year (already? Yipes!). The principal, assistant principal, counselor, and a few teachers were there to present, along with more parents than could fit into the library (Jeffrey’s class is a big one).
In general, we came away pretty happy; they seem to have a good program going for assimilating the incoming 6th graders; they make extensive use of the rising 8th graders as mentors and supports, and from what I heard, the program works well.
There were, of course, questions from parents about safety at school — I was taken aback when one parent asked “Do you have lockdown drills?” (The answer, by the way, was “no”; they concentrate on earthquake, fire, and evacuation drills.) But I think the staff is on the ball in this area, too.
Next month, the school has their annual carnival, and rising 6th graders are cordially invited. Then they have an official visit with their 5th-grade classes in May; Jeffrey’s mentor should call him during the summer, and then orientation is the Wednesday before school opens — so much for travelling the last week of the summer!
And, just to add to the fun, the school is going to be torn down and rebuilt over the next two years; by the time Jeffrey’s in 8th grade, it should be quite a nice place. In the meantime, the good news is that the portable classrooms will have air conditioning.
Shabbat Shalom!