
Jeffrey returned from Science Camp this afternoon. It was pouring rain, his clothes and suitcases were muddy, he said the food was bad, and, to add insult to injury, they even had a dance last night that they had to go to! All about what I expected to hear (except for the dance).

Tomorrow, I’m lay leader for shabbat minyan; it’s my first time doing it, but I don’t expect to have much trouble; it’s not nearly as hard as actually reading the Torah would be.

Shabbat Shalom!

Wines of the Week

1999 Trevor Mast Four Sisters Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon: I didn’t like this wine at first — it seemed awfully sharp. But it was drinkable, and remained so even after opening (and resealing with a Vacu-Vin); if anything, it improved over the days it took us to go through the bottle. I wouldn’t put it high on a list to buy again, but I wouldn’t turn up my nose at it, either.

2000 Fontana Candida Pinot Grigio: Neither Diane nor I liked this wine at first, and as we finished our glasses, our opinions didn’t change. We poured the rest of the bottle down the drain. Not recommended.