Friday night quickie

I hope the Userland crew can get the static server and the XML feed up soon — I miss BlogTracker! But as we all know, Murphy rules, and we get things done only at his pleasure.

We’ve been watching the Nero Wolfe series on A&E and enjoying it a lot. But I guess we’re thieves, because we use TiVo and skip the commercials. Of course, I don’t remember signing any kind of contract requiring us to watch the commercials in the first place….maybe the contract is secretly encoded in the vertical blanking interval, along with the closed-captioning.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us — there’s Torah study and services tomorrow morning, then Jeffrey has a Secret Activity tomorrow night with the Kids’ Youth Group at shul; Sunday, there’s a blood drive, then we’re going to see a movie, and then there’s a concert at shul in the evening. I’ll be ready to rest on Monday, but I have to fly to Hawaii that afternoon.

Shabbat Shalom!