It’s hard being helpful from across the country

There’s good news on two fronts this afternoon.

My father-in-law checked out of the hospital today and was admitted to a physical rehab center, where they’ll help him recover from his knee replacement (and he gets a private room, too!).

And I just solved a nasty connectivity problem for my Mom — it may have started as a glitch in the DSL modem or the router, but while she was on the phone with the ISP, powercycling the equipment, one of the cables got disconnected. She discovered the hanging cable while I was talking her through the same procedure — and now she’s back on the air.

Hi, Mom!

28 is a perfect number

That was just about my first thought this morning (but since I wasn’t quite sure I remembered the perfect numbers, I had to verify it — yup: 1+2+4+7+14 = 28). It’s unlikely that we’ll make it to the next perfect anniversary (496), so I decided to make the most of today.

So we spent it doing the usual sorts of Sunday things. Diane had a Women of Reform Judaism meeting party in the morning, and I went to the Y while she was there; then she went to the Y, and I called car dealers (blue BC Priuses are in very short supply — if we wanted silver or white, we could have one within a week, but we’d rather wait a bit longer for blue); then we all went for a walk to Starbucks/Jamba Juice, and finally we had Indian take-out for dinner. It was a very nice day.