I have tons to get done this week at work (next week is a travel week for me, so I’ll get my mandatory dose of Westchester County December), but I had a hard time getting any focus today. I did manage to accomplish a few simple tasks early in the day, but I found it enormously difficult to start reading the two documents I have to digest and recommend which one should be chosen as the approach to a project — and I have to do it by the end of the week, preferably by Wednesday afternoon.
So I temporized and wrote comments on yet another document; one which was clearly lower priority, even though the authors were friends and so I wanted to help them. But at least it was easy reading and commenting, so I was able to get that obligation off my plate.
And I did finally start on one of the two key documents for the week; I should be able to finish a first pass on both documents tomorrow, even though I’ll have to leave work early for Parent/Teacher conferences at Kehillah.