In my CUPS again

Back in September, 2006, I posted the saga of how I’d solved my printing problems on my Mac mini, running Tiger.

But now I’m running Leopard on IBM’s laptop and my new iMac, and I’ve had to revisit the wonderful world of printing. Fortunately, this time around, everything I needed was in one place; downloading all three packages there and installing them solved my problems.

Will I remember this the next time I upgrade or buy a machine? Beats me, but my odds are better if I blog and tweet it than if I don’t!

Denvention Day 2

Day 2 of Denvention is in the history book, at least for us – we went on a Haunted Denver tour and decided to blow off the parties.

The highlight of the day was the Boca Fandom reunion in the Fanac exhibit area (see below, I hope – I’m writing this on my iPhone, so I’m not quite sure how it will turn out).

The panels were ok but not astounding, and the time-keeping was disorganized. Not quite enough for me to volunteer to do it, but close.

I’m looking forward to the rest of the con.