The heat returned today; we still managed to get our quota of steps and calories burned in, but it would have been nice to be able to do some of the walking in an air-conditioned mall!
Our travel agent for Iceland sent a note saying they’d cancelled our flights and would be refunding the fare to the credit card – I had expected to wind up with flight credit on Icelandic, so I was pleased. And that reminded me to check with American – they had rescheduled our flight home from Richmond by several hours, which should qualify us for a refund on that leg. I submitted the request and I’ll see what happens in a few days.
I finished pruning and editing our photos from 2002 – I went from 664 photos to 237, all geotagged and titled. A few of the photos started their lives as film – when I had them developed, I also had Kodak make digital copies, which I’m using. Some day, it would be nice to look at the actual film photos we’ve accumulated over the years, pick out the good ones, and get them digitized but it’s going to be a while!