Pandemic Journal, Day 540

I’ve been keeping an eye on the Seabourn discussion group on Cruise Critic because I was curious about what might happen to the Antarctica cruise we cancelled last month. I can stop watching it now, because this morning, Seabourn cancelled their Antarctica/South America season for this year, including the trip we would have taken.

We had lunch this afternoon with one of my high school classmates – we hadn’t seen each other since graduation, so we had a bit of catching up to do. :-) She’s planning to be at Reunion next month (as are we).

And Diane and I listened to an interesting episode of Slate’s “Working” podcast – an interview with the founder and Commissioner of Learned League, Thorsten A. Integrity himself (though he used his secret identity of “Shane Bushfield” during the interview). If you’re interested in trivia, it’s worth a listen.