Pandemic Journal, Day 749

I finished doing our taxes this afternoon, and both California and the Feds have accepted them, so that’s one chore taken care of for this year. My estimates were close enough to avoid penalties, so I’m happy.

That was the most exciting thing I did today, so I’ll stop here!

Pandemic Journal, Day 748

The Ides of April are approaching quickly, so I finally started working on our taxes this afternoon. I didn’t have enough time to finish them because we had tickets for Silicon Valley Shakespeare’s 8th annual 48-Hour Play Festival – live and in-person at Foothill College!

This year’s theme was “Shakesbinge” – each team chose a Shakespeare play and a TV show and had to combine them, along with a required line of dialog (“That’s all, Folks!”), the use of a remote control as a prop, and some kind of commercial, producing a short (and generally funny) play. The process started at 7pm Friday; the script was due at noon on Saturday, and then the director and actors took over.

There were six plays this year:

StreamSpeare Pitch Meeting (The Merry Wives of Windsor + Friends)
Star Rich III: The Search for York (Richard III + Star Trek)
Slay All Day: A Midsummer Night’s Binge (A Midsummer Night’s Dream + Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Chapter VII: The Bounty (As You Like It + The Mandalorian)
Tempest/Battlestar Galactica (The Tempest + Battlestar Galactica)
Diced (Titus Andronicus + Chopped)

The audience votes for their two favorite plays – this year, Diane and I both voted the same way, and the audience agreed with us: Diced won, and Star Rich III was second.

It was a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to the three plays in Silicon Valley Shakespeare’s season: Romeo and Juliet, Measure for Measure, and Sense and Sensibility.