A quiet Shabbat

The weather today was a lot cooler than it’s been since we returned home, but it was surprisingly humid (well, it would have been surprising if I hadn’t read the weather forecast), and my energy level was still pretty low.

Despite that, we took a couple of long walks and made some favorite recipes for lunch and dinner, and I dug through more mail, both physical and electronic.

But basically, it was another lazy day with not very much to write about.

Foggy Day

Not the weather, my mental state. Even though I managed to stay awake last night until bedtime and slept through the night, jet lag got to me and I didn’t accomplish very much.

Like this cheetah, I was conserving my energy for another day.

At least it got a little cooler this evening so we won’t have to run the air conditioning all night – the whole house fan is bringing in cool air!

Shabbat Shalom!