Thanks, Valley Health Care!

Diane and I thought it’d be a good idea to get the new Covid vaccinations as soon as we could after coming home from Europe. There are signs at Safeway, CVS, and the like admonishing people to get their Covid shots, so I thought it’d be easy to get an appointment.


I tried Safeway – nothing. CVS? Apparently only four stores in the area offer appointments, and none of them had two available on the same day. No luck at Rite-Aid, Stanford Health, or Sutter Health either. But Santa Clara County came through at SCC Free Vax, and soon enough we had two appointments booked at the brand new Valley Health Care Lundy location.

We got there soon after lunch – we were the only people in the waiting area. It took about 45 minutes from walking in to being vaccinated; that’s faster than CVS and the environment was a lot more pleasant!