Empty Nesters Again

We took Jeff to SFO today and he’s back in Boston.

Instead of coming straight home from the airport, we drove up to Golden Gate Park and visited the SF Botanical Garden and the Conservatory of Flowers. Here are a few photos from the day.

Nikau Palm
California Scrub Jay
Natal Lily
Red Hot Poker
Alstroemeria “Indian Summer”
Fanged Pitcher Plant
Bat Flower

And now we’re home and it’s very quiet.

All-Day Driver

We drove home today, leaving Palm Desert at 9am and getting home at 7:15pm. We made three charging stops along the way and got home with 25% left in the tank. I used A Better Route Planner to figure out where to plan to charge – I’m not sure if I’m happy with the results or not.

The first stop that the app suggested was 126 miles from the hotel; the app said I’d get there with about 30% left, but I arrived at 49% (there was a lot of uphill driving on this segment).

The second stop was 110 miles away, on the other side of the Grapevine; again, the app thought I’d arrive with a lot less charge than I did. The third stop was at Harris Ranch, 90 miles away, and the app was still wrong – but it was nearly perfect for the 140 mile run home.

I didn’t suffer any range anxiety, so I guess I’m learning how to work with the car, but I clearly have some learning to do. As does the app.