After the eclipse, some people went back to DriveTanks to drive tanks, fire 50-caliber guns, or watch – Diane and I decided to go on another safari. We saw lots and lots of animals.

After the safari, we walked back to our cabin, but first we stopped to pay our respects to the ranch’s African Spurred Tortoise which lives in front of the main lodge.
This evening, we had our farewell dinner and a show (photos from the trip) and went back to the cabin to pack.
Rick is planning a tour for the August 2026 eclipse in Spain…sounds interesting!
So you took this tour through Black Sheep Adventures? I go to their website and it looks like they are a hiking / biking tour company.
They are, but they also work with MIT Travel (and maybe others). This trip has been in the works since 2016; we got connected with Rick Binzel on last year’s eclipse cruise through Criterion Travel.