TIL: How to disable SLAAC-assigned IPv6 address and assign my own

This is one in an occasional series of notes to future me, and possibly others who might find it useful.

Last week, for no apparent reason, I started getting “403 Forbidden” errors when using the TripIt API from my Linode system. I hadn’t made any changes to the code or the system; it just started happening. I was able to use the exact same code from my machines at home, so I suspected some sort of network issue.

Today, I tried to figure out what was going on. Creating a new Linode and running the code there didn’t help – I still got the errors.

I stumbled across a question on the Linode forums that was vaguely similar to my situation; it turned out that Google had blacklisted the Linode /64 network in Frankfurt (where the questioner’s Linode was located). The questioner could use the service if they forced the connection to go over IPv4, so I tried that.

Sure enough, I could get to the API if I forced the use of IPv4 (I tested with curl), but that wasn’t a real fix.

Linode had suggested that the questioner assign themself another /64 block and use that, but didn’t go into any detail about how to do that. Here’s how you do it (on Ubuntu 22.04).

Step 1: Use the Linode Cloud Manager to add a /64 block to my instance (click on the Linode name, click on “Network”, then “Add IP Address”)

Step 2: Reconfigure the network on the Linode to use the new block and NOT use the SLAAC auto-assigned address. This turned out to be difficult, because I couldn’t find an example. After far too much searching, I eventually found the proper documentation for the network manager configuration piece that I had to modify, etc/systemd/network/05-eth0.network.

I had to remove the IPv6AcceptRA=true line in the [Network] section, add an Address line for the address I’d chosen in my new /64 block, and add an [IPv6AcceptRA] section with a UseAutonomousPrefix=false line. The file now looks like this:





# Force my own ipv6 address


I rebooted, and all is well; my SLAAC address is gone and the TripIt API works again!

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