This morning took us to Auvers-sur-Oise, the town where Vincent van Gogh spent his final months. In the 19th Century, there was frequent direct train service from Paris; today, you’d have to change trains, so our excursion was on a bus (it took more than an hour to get there – Paris has not yet solved its traffic problem).
It’s a charming little town; we had no time to explore on our own, though. We stopped at places where van Gogh had painted, as well as the inn where he spent the last few months of his life and the cemetery where he and his brother are buried.

This afternoon, we took a Seine cruise on one of the Bateaux Parisians fleet. I’m only posting a few of the photos I took.

AmaLyra made one final sailing after dinner so everyone could see the Eiffel Tower sparkling at the top of the hour. We said goodbye to our new friends and are back in our room packing for an early morning departure tomorrow.