We left Akureyri at a fairly civilized hour (8:30am) to drive back to Reykjavik and the Borg Hotel for a one-night stay before flying out (along with everyone else on the tour) tomorrow. We retraced Wednesday’s route; the weather was better, especially on the passes, but it was still hard to take good photos from the bus.

We had lunch at the Hraunsnef Restaurant, which is located on an active farm; the farmer (and owner) told us a bit about how he got there (he had been a used car salesman in Reykjavik!), then let us come out and visit with the animals.

Then it was back on the bus – next stop, Reykjavik! We drove along the harborside road as we approached the hotel, getting yet another view of Harpa.

We checked in and went out on a walk to the old harbor (it had been a long day on the bus!).

There was a Farewell Dinner at the Food Cellar about three blocks away from the hotel. The food and company was good, though it was more than a little bit noisy!
Conditions looked promising for one last shot at seeing the aurora; we went over to the harbor by Harpa and joined the crowd. There were some thin clouds, plenty of city light, and the John Lennon Imagine Peace Tower was lit, so the aurora was not impressive…but the iPhone camera captured it nicely.

We walked back to the hotel, stopping to enjoy the view of Harpa and its reflecting pool.

Time to pack!