After the eclipse, some people went back to DriveTanks to drive tanks, fire 50-caliber guns, or watch – Diane and I decided to go on another safari. We saw lots and lots of animals.
Nile LechweBarasinghaWhitetail deerGemsbokRed SheepPere David deerZebraSpringbokGiraffeRed Stag (in velvet)Black WildebeestElandEland CowsRhea
After the safari, we walked back to our cabin, but first we stopped to pay our respects to the ranch’s African Spurred Tortoise which lives in front of the main lodge.
This evening, we had our farewell dinner and a show (photos from the trip) and went back to the cabin to pack.
Rick is planning a tour for the August 2026 eclipse in Spain…sounds interesting!
Our viewing site was on Prayer Mountain, which seemed appropriate for today’s conditions.
Hoping for good weather
We were equipped with eclipse viewers and glasses; the viewers were easier to use, especially after our leader Fred put them on neckstraps.
We were able to see first contact right on schedule at 12:12pm, but I wasn’t able to take a picture of it because I didn’t have a large enough filter for my camera. The clouds kept coming and going throughout the afternoon – and they were actually our friends, because they let us see and photograph the progress of the eclipse without special gear!
T-20 minutes
As we got closer and closer to totality, the sun was completely obscured at times, and easily visible at others.
T-15 minutes
I was finally able to successfully mate the eclipse viewer to my iPhone at T-10; the sun was in a clear spot, so I needed it.
The clouds came back a couple of minutes later, and things didn’t look good for totality.
Things started happening quickly at T-2 – the moon’s shadow was visible on the horizon and the light started to get strange. It got a bit cooler, too.
Rick Binzel kept us informed with his bullhorn – one minute to go!
And then the moment arrived…with the diamond ring!
A few seconds later, the chromosphere became easily visible, complete with a small solar flare (which was larger than the Earth) – that’s the image at the top of this blog post.
My camera decided to act up at this point, so I started paying more attention to the eclipse and less to trying to capture it. It was much longer than last year’s eclipse in Australia, and it got a LOT darker than it did last year. We could see lights come on at the ranch’s airstrip, and it was really hard to see very far.
Darkness at noon
I spent the rest of the eclipse looking at the Sun and getting a few iPhone pictures.
Sun and VenusSun and Venus, T+3:05
The diamond ring appeared on the right side of the Sun to mark the end of totality.
Our leaders (Rick, Fred, and Rick’s wife, Michelle) were very very happy…and so were we.
Another successful eclipse in the books!
We celebrated with the appropriate beverage for the day.
A few people stuck around for the rest of the eclipse, but most of us (including Diane and me) rode back to our cabins to rest up for the afternoon’s adventures.