This morning, I gave blood at the semi-annual Shir Hadash blood drive. It’s a much nicer environment than giving blood at work — instead of being in a cramped conference room on hard tables with minimal refreshments afterwards, we were in the sanctuary/social hall on very nice reclining chairs (I wonder if they were dot-bomb castoffs?), and the food afterwards was almost excessive: Krispy Kreme doughnuts, bagels and lox, freshly-baked cookies, and plenty to drink. The next Shir Hadash blood drive won’t be until November (Thanksgiving week, when the demand is high and the supply is low), so I’ll probably give blood at work before then, but maybe I’ll bring in my own goodies for afterwards.
We just got back from seeing Spider-Man; the ticket lines weren’t too bad, but I’m still glad we bought our tickets in advance, since they were selling out most of the shows. We got decent seats, too. But the screen seemed awfully small — I think I’ll plan on braving the horrible parking at the Century complex on Winchester Boulevard so we can watch Episode II on a properly-sized big screen.
Oh, yeah…I should have said something about the movie, not just the theatre, shouldn’t I? It was a good movie; I liked the web-swinging a lot, and the rest of the movie was worth sitting through. I don’t understand why Peter walked away from MJ at the end…she’s already in enough danger by being his friend! But I have to admit that, when MJ awoke on top of the bridge, my first thought was, “wait…she’s not Gwen Stacey…what’s she doing on the bridge?”