Our garage door opener is getting pretty unreliable — at times, I know it’s heard the signal because it turns on the light, but the door doesn’t move. So it’s time to replace it (it’s at least 19 years old, so I can’t complain), and I’ve been looking at what’s on the market today.
There are two obvious choices: Genie and LiftMaster. Both seem to make pretty good garage door openers, and both have competent local installers (I am hardware-impaired, so installing my own garage door opener is not high on my list of life experiences to learn from). So I checked out various web sites, and still didn’t really have much to go by. But then a Google search turned up this article: Replacing Your Garage Door Opener, from which I learned that Chamberlain, the parent company of LiftMaster, tried to use the DMCA to stop a competitor from marketing a replacement remote control. Their suit was dismissed, but I don’t want to do business with a company which tried to so blatantly misapply the DMCA (which is a lousy law, anyway) to block competition.
This isn’t quite how I expected to make my decision on which garage door opener to buy, but it makes the choice very easy.