Yes, we did — but we still must.

I spent Tuesday afternoon making a few last minute phone calls to battleground states, hoping to encourage at least one more voter to go to the polls. But everyone I talked with had already voted (naturally, I also got to talk to a lot of answering machines, which I hope don’t have the vote).

Then I settled in for a long afternoon and evening’s watching of TV and Twitter. I was unhappy with the first few results (not that there was anything surprising in those states), but John King’s magic map soothed me — and then the 8pm ET declarations set my mind completely at rest.

We watched the networks make the Big Call at 8pm PT, then finished watching Indecision 2008 (frankly, I didn’t think Stewart and Colbert were anywhere near their best form — there’s a reason they tape the shows!); then we headed off for the Obama victory party at the Computer Museum (thanks, Mootmom, for the tickets).

So we missed McCain’s concession and most of Obama’s speech — but it was worth it; the atmosphere at the Museum was uplifting.

My joy was tempered, though, by the likely (and now almost certain) passage of Prop 8. This won’t be the end of the journey — and the election of Obama makes it more likely that if the case winds up in the US Supreme Court, the discrimination will end. If I had my way, the government would get out of the marriage business altogether and would only recognize civil partnerships (without regard to gender) — the word “marriage” would be left in the hands of religious bodies to define as they liked. But I realize that’s unlikely, and I’d be perfectly happy with the status as it was in California before Tuesday.

This afternoon, I discovered that change had come to government in a very literal sense, with the opening of, the Obama/Biden transition site. I’ve subscribed to the blog already — I wonder how long before I get a text from 62262 telling me about it?

Vote as if it mattered…because it does!

If you’ve already voted, you can ignore this posting. But if you haven’t, here are my heartfelt recommendations (not on every issue or office, just the ones where I really care):

  • Barack Obama for President
  • Yes on Santa Clara County Measure A: We need a 2/3 supermajority for this issue to pass — and I don’t know about you, but I think it’s worth keeping the trauma and burn centers open instead of closing them down because of seismic problems. Sure, the legislature should have funded the seismic upgrade mandate…but they didn’t, so we have to (and guess what — taxpayers were going to pay it anyway).
  • No on California Proposition 8: When it comes to marriage, the State should not discriminate based on how race, national origin, or genders are mixed and matched. The first two are (finally) well established in law; now we need to get the trifecta.
  • No on California Proposition 4: If a teenager doesn’t have a good enough relationship with her parents to talk to them about having an abortion, putting the law in the way isn’t going to help.
  • Yes on Santa Clara County Measure R: Keep the Campbell Union School District funding stable.

Even if the Presidential race has been called by the time you’re ready to vote, remember that there are plenty of “down-ballot” issues and races which make a difference in your life and the lives of your neighbors!

It’s all over for us but the volunteering

We spent a surprisingly-quick 90 minutes at the Registrar of Voters’ office this afternoon, applying for and then casting our absentee ballots. We can now safely ignore further appeals for our votes.

So then we drove directly to the local Obama office and spent some time as volunteers — Diane did data entry, and I made calls. I wish I’d planned on volunteering, because I would have brought a headset along and had a much easier time hearing the people on the other end!