I have very few thoughts to share this weekend — I spent much of it editing the Temple bulletin, including a piece on Friday night’s 20/10 service (not written by me!). Other than that, it was a quiet weekend — Sunday school started today, so we spent the morning at Shir Hadash talking with people (including Jeffrey’s new teacher) or wandering around the neighborhood in the few minutes we had free.
And I went to Fry’s to look at 100-megabit hubs and switches, and at print servers so I can put my inkjet printer on the network — if anyone has any advice, especially on the print servers, please feel free to chime in, either in the discussion group or by e-mail.
We started watching Casablanca this evening; we had to stop it just after Ingrid Bergman came in so that we could start getting Jeffrey on his way to bed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the whole movie; I hope he doesn’t have too much homework tomorrow so we can watch more!