I expected to write this entry on Friday, while waiting for my flight home from Chicago. But ETP was down, so I did other things.
This week’s trip (which, I hope, will be the last one for a month or so) was to Montreal for the IBM Academy of Technology Annual Meeting, followed immediately by my first Official Meeting as a member of the Academy’s Technology Council (a three-year gig, with three-day in-person meetings six times a year, and early morning phone calls another six times a year). The trip was busy and productive and busy — if I weren’t a rebel, I wouldn’t have been outside the hotel at all from Monday at 1pm until the TC dinner on Thursday night.
But I was. On Monday, I took a quick morning walk, then joined friends from Israel for lunch at an Indian restaurant (apparently, there aren’t any Indian restaurants in Israel). Then I spent the next 34 hours in the fray, finally going out for air (and coffee) late Tuesday evening (instead of going to the Birds of a Feather sessions which were happening at the same time). On Wednesday night, I decided I couldn’t stand another big hotel meal, and convinced a colleague to go out for a walk with me; we wound up at a Lebanese fast-food place (where I had falafel, spending $5 Canadian in the process). Thursday night, the TC went to an Italian restaurant in Old Montreal…everyone chose to walk. Then on Friday, it was a quick dash to the airport when our meeting ended, a brief stop in duty-free (icewine is interesting stuff), and then home!
For some reason, I had no desire to turn on the computer yesterday.
Bar Mitzvah planning is continuing; we went tallit- and invitation-shopping today, with what looks like success.
Now to watch Game 7, which should not have been necessary.