00 dark and early

I had to choose between waking up real early this morning to make the 6:31am flight out of San Jose, or travelling at a civilized hour but losing Sunday with my family.

I’m at the Admirals’ Club waiting for the 6:31. It was the right choice.

It is amazing how little e-mail arrives between 10pm and 5am, though!

Time to wander down to the gate….my mind is wandering somewhere, too. Perhaps I’ll meet it on board.


I spent most of the flights reading yesterday’s New York Times dessert sections. I couldn’t quite finish the puzzle (I hate when that happens!), but I decided to save weight and leave the paper behind, rather than try to finish it.

Class starts tomorrow morning early; I got the binder full of material when I checked in. Oy.

And on that note, g’night.

The weekend approacheth

And I’m ready for it.

And Torah Study and Minyan start tomorrow morning, which will be good.

And we have more schlepping to do on the decorating project (boxes and boxes of books to donate to the library, for one thing).

And I’ve got homework to do to get ready for the class I’m taking next week.

And to get to that class, I have to take a 6:30am flight on Monday (I decided that was better than losing Sunday; I don’t know if I’ll believe that on Monday morning!).

So it’s going to be a busy weekend. I’d better get started on it!

Shabbat Shalom!