Shelter-in-Place Journal, Day Fifteen

Making two weeks and one day of the lockdown, which was extended today until early May – I hope it ends before the Omer does!

I spent most of the day staring at the UPS “Follow My Delivery” map – in addition to the wine that didn’t get delivered on Saturday or Monday, they also claimed they were going to deliver the LED cans from Home Depot. The two packages had different expected delivery times but the maps showed the same truck – and it was just two blocks away from our house at 9:30am!

So Diane and I went on separate walks to be sure someone was home. And then we did it again between 2-4pm. And I kept checking my phone throughout our Trivia Zoom party. And the truck kept circling our house.

We had dinner. No truck. Finally, at 7pm, the doorbell rang – and there were packages on the porch! I was on the phone with a doctor (he was following up on a routine matter, but he had a horror story he wanted to tell about his trip to the ER at Stanford the previous week, fortunately not COVID-related) and I couldn’t hang up on him, so Diane brought in the boxes and then changed her clothes for safety – we’ll let the boxes sit for a day or so before opening them.

Tomorrow, FedEx is supposed to deliver wine – they don’t offer a “Follow My Delivery” map, so maybe I won’t obsess quite so much. Sometimes, not knowing is better!

Shelter-in-Place Journal, Day Fourteen

UPS was supposed to deliver the wine they didn’t deliver on Saturday; according to their maps, the truck got within three blocks of our house before going back to home base, and they’ve rescheduled for tomorrow. On the other hand, Muns Vineyard had told us they’d be delivering tomorrow, and they brought our wine today, so we broke even on the day.

I was able to use United’s Twitter account to verify that our flight to Japan had officially been cancelled. They aren’t giving refunds (despite DOT regulations) but the agent helped me find the least bad alternative for credit (one which, in theory, will generate a refund in November) – in the meantime, I’ve asked Chase Bank’s Twitter account how to dispute the charge. More on this if something happens.

Other than that, it was a day like every other day recently – a couple of walks, a little TV, too much time watching Twitter and Facebook for news, and cooking at home. We found an easy recipe for lingcod – then we discovered we didn’t have the all the spices it called for, so we improvised, and it came out just fine.

And how was your day?