Today has been an interesting day. We started with a blast from the past – a walk on the Los Gatos Creek Trail in Campbell. We used to go there once or twice a week when we went to the chiropractor; that fell by the way with the lockdown, but now that we’re going to the chiropractor again, we thought it was time to brave the trail.
It was a lot more pleasant than the Los Gatos Creek Trail on a Sunday in Los Gatos – it was easy to stay appropriately far away from others, and not a single crazed bicyclist tried to run us down. There weren’t even large clumps of walkers blocking the whole width of the trail!
As I mentioned on Friday, Diane’s Windows laptop is getting full; it’s suffering from other flaky behavior, too (the audio doesn’t work most of the time, for example). My MacBook Air has a 1TB SSD, so the idea of having her use it came to mind. So I installed VirtualBox, an evaluation copy of Windows 10 Enterprise and an evaluation copy of Forever Artisan on the Air to try it – it performs surprisingly well, although the fans run continuously. And if I gave her the Air, I could get an Apple Silicon machine when they announce it…oops, did I use my outside typing voice just now?
Tonight was also the night for the quarter-finals of the “Speaker Showcase” for Toastmasters District 101’s “Fall Fusion”, and I represented my club in the Evaluation Contest. I won (I was the last contestant, so I didn’t get to see any of the other evaluators), so I get to compete again in a couple of weeks.