I harvested our orange crop this afternoon – here it is:
Yes, we got exactly ONE orange from our tree this year! We’re waiting for a suitable occasion to eat it.
I don’t know how old the tree is (it was here when we moved in, back in 1984), but even last year, we got more than a dozen oranges. I hope that our new gardener can help nurse it back to life – our lemon tree revived after a couple of bad years, so there’s hope.
I took advantage of having only one orange to play with focus stacking and my new camera. Ctein wrote an explanation of the process in his most recent newsletter (info here), and I thought I’d give it a try. The photo above is the result of letting Photoshop do focus stacking on 19 separate shots of the orange; the photo below is the middle shot of the 19.
The difference isn’t dramatic, but it’s definitely there – it’s clearest at the stem.
If you want to see a better example of focus stacking (and a pro at work), look at Ctein’s photos, like this beautiful picture of a dragonfly.