Shelter-in-Place Journal, Day 369

Diane has been “away” all day at a Forever “Pixels 2 Pages” event. In a normal year, she would have gone to a hotel and spent all day on her computer with her friends, learning about ways to use the software. This year, of course, she stayed home and spent all day on her computer with her friends, learning about ways to use the software – at least we were able to eat together!

This afternoon was the Toastmasters Area B2 Speech Contest. The Table Topics prompt was “what have you learned about yourself during the pandemic?” – unfortunately, the contest wasn’t recorded, so I don’t know exactly how I responded, but I won, so I’ll be competing at Division level next month. One of my competitors is the person who put together Diane’s event (and who’ll be hosting us for Zoom Seder next week) – it’s a small world!