Pandemic Journal, Day 418

This morning, we attended services at Shir Hadash. We had our typical group of participants, including regular attendees in South Carolina and Indiana. We, of course, were sitting on our couch.

This afternoon, we attended a house concert featuring Rod McDonald, playing from his house in Delray Beach, FL. The hosts were in Westchester County, New York, and the attendees were scattered across the country, chatting and applauding between songs as if we were in one room.

This evening, we took a walk and saw a neighbor mowing his lawn – his lawn mower, naturally, was electric and had headlights.

If you’d told me sixteen months ago that I’d be writing this today, I would have thought you were crazy. Well, maybe not about the lawnmower, but certainly about the other two things.

It will be wonderful to be able to be with people in person again, but I have to admit I’ll miss being able to “go places” without going anywhere.