In which I stop counting

I read a lot of science fiction when I was in school; my favorite authors were Asimov, Clarke, and Heinlein, but I enjoyed many others, including James Blish. Blish’s “Cities in Flight” series was one of my favorites (the protagonist of the last three volumes was the Mayor of New York, which, of course, was a city flying through the Galaxy), but I read much of his shorter fiction, too.

One story that stuck with me was called “Common Time.” It’s the story of the first semi-successful faster-than-light trip; successful because the ship and pilot return to Earth, but only semi-successful because the pilot nearly went mad due to time desynchronization. He survived, in part, by setting up a subconscious process that counted seconds no matter what he was doing – for months on end. When he returned to the Solar System, he was compelled to figure out how long had elapsed here (versus his subjective time) before he could stop counting.

He finished the figures roughly, and that unheard moron deep inside his brain stopped counting at last. It had been pawing its abacus for twenty months now, and Garrard imagined that it was as glad to be retired as he was to feel it go.

I’ve been counting days on this blog for more than twenty months now, and it’s time to stop. I’ll blog when I have something to say or photos to share, but each entry will stand on its own.

Pandemic Journal, Day 750

I had big plans for tonight’s journal entry, but I worked on the Spring Almaniac instead. That, and trying to figure out what’s going on with the network – we keep losing connectivity, but the modem (and the phone) are working. I’ve rebooted all of the networking gear with no success – maybe it’ll recover overnight.

We harvested our orange crop this afternoon – all five of it. We used to get a lot more production from the tree, but it’s been pretty scant for the past few years. I’m not sure what the lifespan of an orange tree is, but I know this tree is at least 40 years old and might be as much as 60 if it was planted when the house was built.

And we got our second boosters today; we stayed with Moderna, since we’ve had fairly mild reactions with the earlier injections. After we got home, I saw an article in the New York Times reporting on an Israeli study of second Pfizer boosters saying that the added immunity waned quickly, so I’m glad I resisted the temptation to switch to Team Pfizer for this shot.