Still Negative

I took another Covid self-test this afternoon and was happy to be negative, though that does mean that Diane and I still have to stay away from each other and wear masks in the house. She’s feeling well enough to go out for walks (still wearing a mask and avoiding other people), so that’s good.

Wild local salmon was available at the Farmers’ Market (I wore a mask and avoided people) for the first time this year, so I made that for Mother’s Day lunch.

I finally got around to importing the last couple of photos I took on the trip into Lightroom and ran into a problem with the way Lightroom manages timezones. It assumed that any times in the photos were in PDT (UTC-7) because that was what the computer was set to. Some of the time fields in the photos actually specified EDT (UTC-4), but Lightroom ignored that info. There doesn’t seem to be any way to edit the timezone info in Lightroom; I finally deleted the photos, set the computer to EDT, reimported the photos, and set the computer back to PDT and all was well. What a pain!