Cleaning up

I borrowed “Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never Ending Battle with Stuff” by Dana K. White from Amazon’s “Prime Reading” library nearly four years ago; I finally finished reading it on the plane home from Hawai’i (which says something about the speed of my life!). And I’ve been cleaning up stuff ever since we got home, such as the files in the office I mentioned last night.

Today, I finally got ready to try to get rid of the A/V receiver I’d replaced when we bought the 4K TV in January; it had been sitting in the living room ever since I took it out of service. I posted it on Facebook Marketplace and on NextDoor; five hours later, I’d sold it on Facebook for $45 (I got three inquiries on Facebook before finding the buyer; NextDoor didn’t provide any nibbles).

I also got rid of some other disused electronics…well, I moved them into the e-waste bag in the garage, which is getting pretty full. I guess I need to find out how to get the e-waste out of the house next!