Matsue Castle and the Adachi Museum of Art

We were only on land for a few hours today; our first stop was Matsue Castle, built in 1611 by Horio Yoshiharu as a stronghold for feudal lords, not as a gracious residence.

Horio Yoshiharu

Today, it is a National Treasure and a popular tourist spot, complete with gardens, trees, and a Shinto shrine.

Chionanthus retusus Lindley et Paxton
Shinto Shrine at Matsue Castle
Shrine sign

Of course, they also have the necessities for tourists.

Our second stop was the Adachi Museum of Art, which has a great collection of modern Japanese art and a truly awe-inspiring set of gardens. The building is designed to let you enjoy the gardens along with the art. The art was nice, but the gardens were spectacular, so I’m glad they allow photography of the gardens!

Garden at Adachi Museum of Art

The Moss Garden at Adachi Museum of Art
Dry Landscape Garden at Adachi Museum of Art
The Pond Garden at Adachi Museum of Art
Living Hanging Scroll

We returned to the ship, cleared passport control, and are sailing to Busan, South Korea for tomorrow’s visit.