‘Tis the season!

Learned League season 96 began this morning. I would have done better on today’s questions if I’d watched the Super Bowl yesterday.

We got another round of solar bids. So many variables….

One thought on “‘Tis the season!

  1. David-

    If you purchase:
    (Assumes the roof is in good condition and unshaded. Good orientation and slope.)
    Build to about 80% of your annual need. You can always add a battery later if you find it to be valuable.

    1) Cost per installed watt
    1a) Cost per generated output (guaranteed output)
    2) Annual depreciation
    3) Manufacturer’s Warranty (primarily on the inverter(s). Everything else is inert.)
    4 How long to install
    5) Discount for cash payment
    6) Payment due on activation and approval of the utility

    No magic here…

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