Well, it seems that getting up at 4am to make a 6:30am flight to the East Coast is a sovereign remedy for jetlag; I fell asleep about 10:15pm on Monday night and had no trouble going to bed (or rising) on Eastern time all week.
Flying home late yesterday wasn’t so effective — by the time I got home, it was 11:30pm Pacific and I was wiped. Too tired to sleep well, in fact. Maybe tonight will be better.
The class was quite interesting — I learened a good bit about IBM and executive development, some of which even applies to me. I also discovered that the IBM Learning Center’s cuisine has improved remarkably since they switched the contract from Marriott to Dolce; it was a broadening experience.
Today’s been a slow day. Which, after all, isn’t a bad way to lead into the weekend.
Shabbat Shalom!