Touring Jewish Cape Town

We’ll be having dinner with our group in a few minutes and have a very early pick-up tomorrow, so I’ll have to be brief.

We took an Uber past Signal Hill into central Cape Town, where we had a fantastic tour with Craig Nudelman of Mother City Jewish Tours today. He took us on a walk through four centuries of history, from the earliest Dutch settlements to today, with an eye towards the role of the Jewish community through the entire time. We walked into District Six, over to the Castle of Good Hope, past City Hall and the Houses of Parliament and onward to the Company’s Garden before returning to the Gardens Community Center (the hub of the Cape Town Jewish community). Along the way, he told us about the significance of each place we stopped, answered our questions, and even made sure we got good photos of Cape Town’s natural wonders like Devil’s Peak and (of course) Table Mountain.

After the tour, we took an Uber to the V&A Waterfront for lunch and some light shopping.

Here are a few of today’s photos – they will have to speak for themselves!